Friday, March 30, 2007

A New Invention?

I was talking to some guys in the office.
Now, I did not raise this topic, nor did I start talking about it, but the topic of inflatable sex dolls came up.
Declaration: I have never owned or used an inflatable sex doll or any other kind of sex toy.

But any way, I start talking about this new design of doll.
I has pressure sensors in it.
One is in the end so if you thrust deep enough into the doll it moans and screams.
The one on the left of the hole is the speed sensor. If it gets rubbed 6 times in 2 seconds the doll will make statments like "oh yeah" "feels so good" and "ram that cock in me".

As I was creating this I was asked "Are you having us on or does that exist?"
I was shocked. I thought it would be massivly obvious that I was bullshitting. Obviously not.
I then told this story to my flat mate and another work collegue. Both thought it was real as well.

Now, I know I can bullshit with the best, and am quick of the mark with comebacks and put downs. But a sex doll with sensors in it.
If the people I told though it was real then maybe I should patent it.

Can you imagine telling people how you made your fortune.
"I invented sex dolls that moan as you fuck them."

Have to make a quid some how I suppose.

Thursday, March 22, 2007

Thoughts Of A Tired Man.

An exerp from an e-mail to a loved one.

Do you ever look out at the ocean and think "It looks quite nice out there, I think I will go for a swim.'

And then you get out there and it is really quite nice, calm, peaceful, restful. And slowly you unwind and your fears and worries melt away.

You close your eyes for what seems like a minuite, but when you open them you see that the weather has turned, and what was once so kind has become inpatient and restless. Agressive and violent.

You know you are strong, but the sea is massive and unrelenting. You struggle, and for a while it is easy. But the cold saps your strength and you soon find yourself struggling just to keep your head above water.

And all it takes is one small mouthful of water and you sink.

How The View From Up There

Well I had long hair.

I think I had been growing for about 6 odd months. Not growing so much as no cutting.
It was nasty greasy and knotted. And in the end it had to go.

And so it did.

I have been bald before and I know that I have a very Patrick Stewart head, one that looks good bald.
And as such I have none of the reservations about shaving down.

Plus there is the fact that I am follicly challenged on the forehead side of my hair growth.
So I say "Go bald on your own terms, don't let those damb melling genes take away what you can shave off."

So now coming into winter I have a perfect head for beanie wearing.

So to the photo.

Tuesday, March 20, 2007

Thanks And Wonderment

Thank you to all who have wished me a Happy Birthday and/or a get well.

I am now well, and looking a doing some drinking/fun activities/keno/sport watching to celebrate the day of my birth (thanks mum and dad for the birth and stuff, not the drinking/fun activities/keno/sport watching, that will be all my doing)

And today was a day of wonderment.
I got rained upon, the first time in about 6 months.
Not great rain, but really any rain is great at the moment.

Ah the joy of everything is raised by rain.

Rain is tops.

Wednesday, March 14, 2007

Fever In The Morning, Fever All Through The Night

You give me fever.

Have you ever felt so hot that you want to take all of your clothes off and sit in an ice bath, but at the same time so cold that you need to be under 15 doonas.
That is how I felt last night.

And today is only mildly better.

What a way to celebrate your birthday.
Moping on the couch sick with a head cold.

Happy Birthday to me.

Tuesday, March 06, 2007


My cat has discovered that licking my eye lid wakes me up.

This is not the nicest way to wake up, and is a process I will try and discourage.

However waking up to his purring every morning is a good sound.
Even if it is around 6am.

Friday, March 02, 2007


Polar Bear!!!!!