Friday, November 16, 2007


Ok so I'm moving.
To Brisbane.
Yep sunny Brisbane.

It is my last day at work and the stress of the move is making my head hurt quite a bit. So much to do and think about.
But that will not stop for the next month or so, so what to do.
Shrug your shoulders say "meh" and get on with it.

So that is what I will attempt to do. This blog my start to be a bit more active as I try to keep friends in Adelaide up to date with my goings on.

We will see.

I an happy and excited with the move.
But sad as well.
I will miss this place and the people who inhabit it.

But I will smile and be happy today.
Might have a cry tonight though.


At 2:44 pm, Blogger Unknown said...

Well, you got there the end...


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