Tuesday, October 09, 2007

In Need Of Rescue - Part 2

“Well that was impressive.”

The audio implant, or ear wig, whispered into his head again.

“And looking through your eyes was a new experience as well. All these things I’m getting to do since I met you. New and exciting things.”

“You can respond if you want to James.”

The suit didn’t stop his movements but paused at his newly acquired name. It still didn’t really feel like it fit. It would be a while before his previous name wore off his soul.

One of the four horsemen of the apocalypse.
For when he and his fellow cybernetically enhanced soldiers entered the fray none survived.

With credit given to the concept of the “Six Million Dollar Man” the US government had set up the “Laboratory for the Development of Further Capabilities” and had then funded it through a back door to give it as much money as it needed, well as much money as it needed until some one asked about the billion or so dollars that seemed to fall into a black hole in the CIAs accounts every year. They had stopped work because funding had run out. Even black ops had to run out of money some time, and congress was pulling the purse strings tighter and tighter. They had gone for 15 years created much that would help humanity, but none of it would see the light of day. If they revealed their testing methods alone anyone and everyone who new of The Labs existence would be jailed for life.
He was The Labs final creation.
A multi-billion dollar experiment that had created Death, Fear and Famine before him.
His brothers.
Strange as it may seem to others he had liked his brothers. They were all in the same mess. Controlled by people with no realisation of what was happening to the soul of a man as they slowly pealed back the layers of flesh and replaced them with parts, and then made them kill.
He viewed himself as not quite human, he was more than human. He was a cyborg. Not that he was happy about it.
James represented a staggering 12.75 billion dollar investment.
And he had just walked away from his creators.

“Which way?” James asked his limp guide.

“Take two lefts and then the red door, knock twice, then twice again.”

James started walking with no reply to the directions. Jamicter was no hindrance and James held him off the ground by his belt as he walked.

“Knock twice, then twice again?” James asked.


“It will cost you your other knee and I will take you no further if you are lying.”

James did not pause for Jamicter to reply as to wether he had told the truth or not, he just knocked.
Twice, then twice again.

The pause was long.

“Looks like this guy is shit out of knees.” The voice said over the ear wig.


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