Thursday, February 01, 2007

Terror Raid

I had the joy of surfing TV last night and landed on a news presenter as he said the following statment.
"Eight people have been arrested in the UK during a Terror Raid"

Now apart from it now being 9 people I have a problem with this statment.

Terror Raid. What sort of images does this raise for you.
For me it is images of dawn raids to capture jews by the nazis or Starlinesk Russia.
A terror raid is a raid for the purposes of terror.
Is this what the Uk authorities did? I hope not.

Why not say something like.
"Eight people where arrested this morning in the UK after authorities raided suspected terroist hidouts?"

Maybe something like it even, not that much longer and more correct.
Why give it a sensationised headline, just tell us what happened.

Stupid news.
No wonder I get my news from the sports channels.


At 3:31 pm, Blogger A Daisy in the Rain said...

It's all about the verbs. No one knows how to use a good verb anymore.

At 5:06 pm, Blogger Tallgirl said...

To me "terror raid" suggests that "terror" is doing the raiding - and in that sense perhaps the article headline is spot on since it wouldn't be a small stretch of the imagination to envisage the police as such. They are after all the henchmen of the government.

At 11:08 pm, Blogger Sloth said...

Daisy. Is there a cost involved per word spoken on the news, because that is the only reason I see that they might want to limit the "headlines" on the news.

Oh, and verbs are tops.

AGIJ. "Henchmen of the government." Nice.


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