Tuesday, July 25, 2006

What is Random then?

I figure I will tell you my "random" way of picking a CD.

I have the CDs organised into stacks in alphabetical order.

With the exception of lots.

Ok, so my two wooden structures (I wouldn't call them racks, as I built them myself and my carpentry skills leave a lot to be desired.) hold heps of CDs, but I have loads, which we all know is more than heaps. So lots of CDs get relegated to just sitting about. Mainly these are the ones I listen to the most so my favourites will be in the "rest" catagory for selection.

So I will choose 1 CD from each stack, usually from near the bottom because this will mean I have not listened to it for a while and it is dusty so it should get a clean. So we will go A through Z then to "Various Artists" then to "The Rest".

However A through Z is not quite A through Z in the strictest terms of the alphabet. For instance, how many bands do you know that start with Z. Really there arn't that many. And E is also another good/bad letter for band names. So some letters get lumped together. We will just have to see what comes up really.

So that is the "random" pattern I have chosen to follow.

What shall be first.

I'll just go find out.


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