Monday, October 09, 2006

Sick Sloth

I am a big fan of being sick, but only if you are in a position to take sick leave.
Being sick and having to work, or worse yet, having to have a weekend, sucks arse.

I have ahad a weekend of sickness and work. Poo all round.

Just a cold. Nothing major, but enough to fill my head with snot and mucus, and to mack my eyes rebell against ever working.
I am slowly getting better though.
My cure.

Put four pounds of self pity in a bowl and stir until every one around you is pissed of at you.
Then add 4 hours of sleeping on the lounge room floor with car racing on.
Stir in a little comfort food (Or alot depending on taste)
A pinch of I look stupid with this tissue stuffed up my nose.
Then add a whole bag full of nothing.
Mix well and liberally coat the sick person while they are lying on the recliner couch.

This should cure you of the cold. Or at least make you sort of bearable.

Oh and my nose has become sand paper. Stupid nose.

I hate colds.


At 10:17 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

When I feel a cold coming on I eat the hottest curry I can lay my hands on. Must clear the sinuses or something.

At 8:02 am, Blogger Sloth said...

I had the ticklie throat for abaout a week before it came, but I wouldn't let myself get sick before I sang, so it hit with a POW after that. Mmmm.... curry. well I will have to get some of that this Friday, as my treat to my self for living through another week.


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